Sow and Reap is thrilled to announce Project Varri, a distinctive program that infuses Environmental, Economic and Social aspects for the multi-focal development of local communities. With this project, we aim to be part of a restoring ecosystem that helps heal the wounded planet.
Our project is mainly concentrated on water-intensive and irrigation-intensive states of Telangana and Karnataka covering over 1lakh acres. Our technical team, scientific advisors and ground staff are working round the clock to educate farmers on the Best sustainable agricultural practices that help conserve the environment.
Rice is the staple diet in South India and hence requires more amount of grain production. Farmers usually adopt water-intensive techniques to increase their yield. This temporary solution of the problem results in poor-quality output and this needs to be addressed.
Increased water usage has disadvantages such as:
- High Methane emissions,
- Damage to soil ecosystem,
- Depletion of Groundwater reserves in certain areas,
- Decreased nutritional value of the grain harvested,
- Higher costs of production,
- Difficult to use certain agricultural implements in puddled water,
- Escalate Global temperature
Project Varri addresses this problem by employing Sustainable agricultural methods that require less water, thereby enabling rehabilitation of the Environment. We are proud to announce that our model not only obtains monetary benefits to farmers in the form of Carbon credits but also develops the livelihood opportunities of the local communities. This enables us to diligently address the following Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 01: No poverty – Increased employment opportunities through Community Outreach programs
SDG 02: Zero Hunger – Better yield with less water usage
SDG 05: Gender equality – As agriculture is female labour intensive, equal opportunities to both men and women are improved
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production – With less water, the grain yielded is of high nutritious value
SDG 13: Climate Action – Reduced GHG emissions resulting in the Lowering of Global temperature.